Friday, October 19, 2018

Gone to the Dogs Week 9: Sweetie

Gone to the Dogs Week 9: Sweetie
Trish was not sure when told about an ad in the newspaper for a free puppy. However, after heading to a place near China Grove, it was love at first sight when Trish saw the sweet little bundle of black fur.

The poodle/Pomeranian mix became lovingly known as Sweetie. Sweetie quickly became a constant companion to Trish, following her around the house, joining her on the couch, and riding in the car with her when she would drive to the post office or the landfill. “When I would go to the dump, people wouldn’t always know my name, but they’d know I was the one with the cute little black dog!”

After Trish’s husband, Leroy, passed away, she says Sweetie’s presence was a God-send, providing a listening ear and being there with her every day through that most difficult time of grieving. Sweetie is gone from this world now but will always be remembered! And Trish loves to visit with any furry friend who happens to come to her home away from home.

Jesus wept. Then said the Jews, Behold, how he loved him! John 11: 35-36 KJV

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