Friday, October 12, 2018

Gone to the Dogs Week 8: Boo-Joe and Babee

Week 8: Boo-Joe and Babee
Boo-Joe Looked Like This Collie
Harry and Evelyn each had special dogs in their past. Boo-Joe, Evelyn's childhood dog, was the first dog she remembered after moving to the hollar in Raven's Nest Branch in the southwestern part of Virginia. Boo-Joe was a collie who looked like Lassie and loved to chase sticks. 

He would ride in the bed of the family's old A-model black truck. Evelyn's older brother Jack (age 10) would drive the truck and ford the creek so he and Evelyn could get a load of sand from the sand bar to help their dad, a brick mason, build houses. Evelyn always felt safer when Boo-Joe was with her.

Babee Looked a Little Like This Rottweiler
Harry fondly remembers, Babee, a 190-pound rottweiler from his nephew's wife who lived in Florida. The dog lived in several other states with Harry's family, including Kentucky and Wyoming. Babee stayed with Harry's first wife, Juanita, who worked long hours as a midwife. Harry says Babee was friendly as long as others were friendly to Juanita. 

So, how did a rottweiler get the name Babee? She loved babies and would put her head in the lap of a baby and nuzzle him or her and would also try to get in baby beds to be with babies. She would not let you pick up babies or get back in the car if kids were in the vehicle. 

Babee wanted to sit in your lap if you were driving and Harry's children would ride Babee like a horse and Babee would pull them in a sled. The family dog was well-trained and would get car keys or shoes for Harry. If Babee did something wrong, she would immediately get in the corner on command. Harry says that she would sometimes "grumble" in the corner but if he told her she'd be there all day if she continued to fuss, she would get quiet while standing in time-out! Although Harry had many dogs over the years, Harry considers Babee to be the best.

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23 NIV

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