Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Gone to the Dogs Week 7 Totals

Gone to the Dogs Week 7 Totals
Week 7 of the Woodleaf United Methodist “Gone to the Dogs” fall 2018 fitness challenge ran from October 7 through October 13, 2018. Forty participants turned in totals for week 7, reporting a grand total of 9860 minutes of exercise.

Just four more weeks to go on this fitness challenge! This is a good time to review action plans. Are you on track for your goals? If not, can you identify barriers and come up with simple solutions for overcoming the barriers? Sometimes an effective solution might be as simple as packing workout clothes the night before and already having them in the car.

If lack of motivation is making it difficult to exercise regularly, you might consider writing down what benefits you and your family will achieve if you do keep on track. Also, there are many apps out there that will send reminders to exercise or track your exercise efforts. Computer apps like Charity Miles will donate to various charities based on how much you exercise.

Everyone is invited to our annual health fair at Woodleaf United Methodist Church this coming Saturday, October 20 at 8:00 to 11:00.

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