Friday, October 26, 2018

Gone to the Dogs Week 10: Jaxx, Jade, and Rusty

Gone to the Dogs Week 10: Jaxx, Jade, and Rusty
Debbie would like to give everyone a glimpse of her three special fur babies named Jaxx, Jade, and Rusty.

Jaxx was born on January 2, 2005 and passed away on July 24, 2018.
Jaxx was my Baby Boy,  he stayed with me all the time. He was a strong little boy, he went through being paralyzed by falling off the bed to losing his hearing to losing an eye. He had to be put to sleep on July 24, 2018 when he went blind in his only eye due to ruptured ulcers. I WILL MISS HIM FOREVER MY MAMA'S BOY!!!
Jade was born January 1, 2005 and he is an absolute lovable and active 13 year old. He loves to ride anything from the car to the four-wheeler. He still acts like a puppy. He weighs about 5 pounds and he might be the littlest of my Babies, but he is the biggest.

Rusty was born March 20, 2009 and we got him on July 20, 2009. He was lovable from the beginning. He is the most loveable and even-tempered dog I have ever met. He Loves All Stuffed Toys. He has about 30 Stuffed Toys and he plays with them all. He loves when he gets a new stuffed toy, his newest toy is Lambchop. 

The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying:
"I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness."
Jeremiah 31:3 NIV

Gone to the Dogs Week 8 Totals

Gone to the Dogs Week 8 Totals
Week 8 of the Woodleaf United Methodist “Gone to the Dogs” fall 2018 fitness challenge ran from October 14 through October 20, 2018. Forty-six participants turned in totals for week 8, reporting a grand total of 11,323 minutes of exercise. That is excellent!

It is not too early to begin looking at holiday planning. Holidays are a great time to get together with friends and family, but many find that their healthy lifestyle habits become derailed as those special days approach. Create a plan to combat the holiday derailment! Toi Degree from the Rowan County Extension Service will be coming to Woodleaf United Methodist Church to talk about healthy holiday cooking at 5:30 p.m. on Sunday, November 4, 2018. We hope to see you there!

Friday, October 19, 2018

Gone to the Dogs Week 9: Sweetie

Gone to the Dogs Week 9: Sweetie
Trish was not sure when told about an ad in the newspaper for a free puppy. However, after heading to a place near China Grove, it was love at first sight when Trish saw the sweet little bundle of black fur.

The poodle/Pomeranian mix became lovingly known as Sweetie. Sweetie quickly became a constant companion to Trish, following her around the house, joining her on the couch, and riding in the car with her when she would drive to the post office or the landfill. “When I would go to the dump, people wouldn’t always know my name, but they’d know I was the one with the cute little black dog!”

After Trish’s husband, Leroy, passed away, she says Sweetie’s presence was a God-send, providing a listening ear and being there with her every day through that most difficult time of grieving. Sweetie is gone from this world now but will always be remembered! And Trish loves to visit with any furry friend who happens to come to her home away from home.

Jesus wept. Then said the Jews, Behold, how he loved him! John 11: 35-36 KJV

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Gone to the Dogs Week 7 Totals

Gone to the Dogs Week 7 Totals
Week 7 of the Woodleaf United Methodist “Gone to the Dogs” fall 2018 fitness challenge ran from October 7 through October 13, 2018. Forty participants turned in totals for week 7, reporting a grand total of 9860 minutes of exercise.

Just four more weeks to go on this fitness challenge! This is a good time to review action plans. Are you on track for your goals? If not, can you identify barriers and come up with simple solutions for overcoming the barriers? Sometimes an effective solution might be as simple as packing workout clothes the night before and already having them in the car.

If lack of motivation is making it difficult to exercise regularly, you might consider writing down what benefits you and your family will achieve if you do keep on track. Also, there are many apps out there that will send reminders to exercise or track your exercise efforts. Computer apps like Charity Miles will donate to various charities based on how much you exercise.

Everyone is invited to our annual health fair at Woodleaf United Methodist Church this coming Saturday, October 20 at 8:00 to 11:00.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Gone to the Dogs Week 8: Boo-Joe and Babee

Week 8: Boo-Joe and Babee
Boo-Joe Looked Like This Collie
Harry and Evelyn each had special dogs in their past. Boo-Joe, Evelyn's childhood dog, was the first dog she remembered after moving to the hollar in Raven's Nest Branch in the southwestern part of Virginia. Boo-Joe was a collie who looked like Lassie and loved to chase sticks. 

He would ride in the bed of the family's old A-model black truck. Evelyn's older brother Jack (age 10) would drive the truck and ford the creek so he and Evelyn could get a load of sand from the sand bar to help their dad, a brick mason, build houses. Evelyn always felt safer when Boo-Joe was with her.

Babee Looked a Little Like This Rottweiler
Harry fondly remembers, Babee, a 190-pound rottweiler from his nephew's wife who lived in Florida. The dog lived in several other states with Harry's family, including Kentucky and Wyoming. Babee stayed with Harry's first wife, Juanita, who worked long hours as a midwife. Harry says Babee was friendly as long as others were friendly to Juanita. 

So, how did a rottweiler get the name Babee? She loved babies and would put her head in the lap of a baby and nuzzle him or her and would also try to get in baby beds to be with babies. She would not let you pick up babies or get back in the car if kids were in the vehicle. 

Babee wanted to sit in your lap if you were driving and Harry's children would ride Babee like a horse and Babee would pull them in a sled. The family dog was well-trained and would get car keys or shoes for Harry. If Babee did something wrong, she would immediately get in the corner on command. Harry says that she would sometimes "grumble" in the corner but if he told her she'd be there all day if she continued to fuss, she would get quiet while standing in time-out! Although Harry had many dogs over the years, Harry considers Babee to be the best.

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23 NIV

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Gone to the Dogs Week 6 Totals

Gone to the Dogs Week 6 Totals

Week 6 of the Woodleaf United Methodist “Gone to the Dogs” fall 2018 fitness challenge ran from September 30 through October 6, 2018. Thirty-six participants turned in totals for week 6, reporting a grand total of 9995 minutes of exercise!

As I’m writing this, we have more rain in the forecast. Weather patterns often derail exercise plans. It is always a great idea to have an indoor exercise choice as a backup plan if outdoor exercise is not preferable. Examples might include an exercise video, indoor exercise class (we offer 8 each week at the church!), cleaning the house, lifting weights or swimming at a gym, etc.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Gone to the Dogs Week 7: Tink, Daphne, and Penny

Gone to the Dogs Week 7: Tink, Daphne, and Penny
By Sybil Perrell


I had a little dog named Tink when I was in high school and college. I’m not sure how we got her. I think she came from the Pound. She was a tan with a little white Chihuahua mix and she had ESP. She and I were so in tune she knew when I left college at Charlotte and was on my way home. It wasn’t that she told time because it didn’t matter what day or time I got in my car to head home. She just knew. She would go get her “pretty” (her favorite toy) and bring it to the back door and set it down. She would then sit there with it. My mom would see her to do this and say, “Okay, Sybil’s on her way home”. When I made the turn off Woodleaf Road onto 801 at the caution light she would pick up her “pretty” and start dancing around. Mom and Dad knew that I would be home in just a minute since it was only a mile to the house from there.


Daphne came to live with us on Christmas Day. We had been looking for another dog, but wanted a small, adult dog who was already housetrained. I had searched all the area shelters without finding anything. Our neighbor across the street had a son that raised Shelties. That was a little bigger than we wanted but my mom was pretty desperate for the company of a dog, so I called him. He said he had a female Pekinese that he had been fostering and we were welcome to her, if we wanted her. Mom and I talked it over and decided we’d give her a whirl. Daphne was 3 years old when we got her. He brought her in, set her down on the floor in our kitchen (where she promptly went under the table), gave us a bag of her food and left. We couldn’t get Daphne out from under the table! If we tried to pull her out she would growl and snap at us, so we left her there, put out food and water and waited.

She would stay under the table until we went to bed, then get out, eat her food, drink some water, go in the living room and “do her business” on the area rug and go back under the table. After a week of this, “Miss Thirza” (my mom) was pretty upset to say the least!
I was working night shift at the time and came in from work on that 7 th day feeling pretty frustrated with this animal. So, I sat down in the floor close to the table and said, “We need to talk”. Daphne came out and sat just out of reach in front of me. I said, “You need to make a decision here. You can either go back where you were and be just one of the pack, or you can stay here and be the queen of the house. But I’m telling you, “Miss” Thirza has about had it and is ready to send you back. It’s up to you. If you want to stay here with us, you need to come out from under there, start going outside to do you business and being a companion. If you want to go back, just keep doing what you’re doing. It’s your choice.” Then I went to bed.

That afternoon, Daphne came out when I called her, let me put a leash on her and take her outside. She became a great companion for my mom and stayed with us until her death 10 years later.


We were without a dog and looking for one to keep my mom company as she approached her 90th birthday. I had checked all the shelters but no small dogs at all! Not even in adult dogs (which is what we wanted). So, I began to search online. I ended up talking with a man from Farmington, who had a private shelter. He had a male, miniature pincher that looked cute.

When the man asked why we wanted the dog, I explained it was for my mom as a companion. He said he would bring the dog but he would also bring another that he felt might be more appropriate as an elderly woman’s dog.

We met him in Mocksville at a building he owned and showed his dogs. The pincher came in, ran around us, sniffed a little then ran off to play. The man put him back in his travel crate and brought out a chihuahua mix that was a little shy at first. Then she jumped up on the bench I was sitting on, walked across me to get to my mom, got in her lap, laid down and put her head in the crook of Mom’s elbow. Then she sighed this big sigh, like she was content. My mom said, “Well, I think we’ve found us a dog!” This was her birthday present to herself as it was the week of her 90th birthday.

The poor dog had been through a number of names. The county shelter had named her Peanut but the man with the shelter didn’t like that, so he renamed her Pino. Well, we didn’t like that either. And since she reminded us of a dog my cousin had when we were growing up, we named her after it – Penny.

She tolerated me. I was “allowed” to feed her and take her out on a leash but she was truly my mom’s dog. She was a faithful companion for her until my mom’s death at 93. She even laid on my mom’s hospital bed when she was in Hospice and was just not ever the same after Mom died.

She passed away a year almost to the day after Mom.

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations. Jeremiah 1:5 NRSV

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Gone to the Dogs Week 5 Totals

Gone to the Dogs Week 5 Totals

Week 5 of the Woodleaf United Methodist “Gone to the Dogs” fall 2018 fitness challenge ran from September 23 through September 29, 2018. Thirty-seven participants turned in totals for week 5, reporting a grand total of 9036 minutes of exercise!

It always find it interesting to hear how folks are getting their exercise in, whether it is enjoying looking at a rainbow on an early morning walk or taking one of our exercise classes at the church, just to name a few.
If you are trying to develop new exercise habits, here are a few tips:
  • ·        Keep it convenient.
  • ·        Enlist the help of a friend or family member.
  • ·        Plan to do exercises you enjoy
  • ·        Schedule it on your calendar.

 Don’t give up if you have a week that doesn’t meet your expectations: look at barriers and see what you might do differently in the future!