Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Climb Every Mountain Fitness Challenge Final Week 11 Results

Climb Every Mountain Fitness Challenge Week 11 Results
Week 11 results are in, completing our Climb Every Mountain Spring 2017 fitness challenge through Woodleaf United Methodist Church. It just keeps getting better; totals for the last week are the highest of the challenge weeks. Twenty-three participants submitted 377 points total, equaling over 125 hours of physical activity for the week.

After adding totals for the entire 11 weeks of the challenge, I'm so excited to announce that we earned 3554 points. Each point equals 20 minutes of physical activity, so together we were physically active over 1184 hours during the challenge, with an average of 4.6 hours per week per participant. That is significantly higher than average!

Staying physically active is a lifestyle, and as this challenge draws to a close, I encourage everyone to look for ways to get or stay physically active this summer. Go for a 10 minute walk after each meal - it adds up. Try different ways to exercise to keep workouts exciting. Plan some group activities that involve walking or other physical activities. It doesn't have to be expensive or fancy.

Feel free to contact me at if you have ideas for future fitness challenges or group fitness activities or would like more information about our fitness classes at the church.

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