Friday, May 5, 2017

Climb Every Mountain Fitness Challenge Week 8 Results

Climb Every Mountain Fitness Challenge Week 8 Results
Here are week 8 results for the 2017 Climb Every Mountain Fitness Challenge. Twenty-three participants submitted points for week 8 with a grand weekly total of 316 points, equaling over 105 hours of physical activity.

Those who are in the routine of exercising regularly find that it becomes a way of life. Although it may be difficult to find the time and to push oneself, the benefits are far-reaching. Many who are physically active say they "just don't feel right" when they don't exercise. Even light to moderate daily exercise has been those to help with preventing and treating more than 40 chronic diseases.

If you'd like to add a little variety to your workout, visit to find exercise videos and links to community resources.

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