Friday, April 14, 2017

Climb Every Mountain Fitness Challenge Week 7

Week 7 Climb Every Mountain Fitness Challenge - Mt. Jefferson
The Spring 2017 Climb Every Mountain encourages participants to exercise an average of at least 20 minutes per day. Week 7, beginning April 16 and ending April 22, features Mt. Jefferson.

Mt. Jefferson state natural area rises 1,600 feet above the surrounding landscape of Ashe County and is easily viewed from the Blue Ridge Parkway. Although known by other names including Panther Mountain, the name Mt. Jefferson became official in 1952. Named for Thomas Jefferson and his father, legend holds that the caves within the mountain may have harbored slaves who traveled to freedom along the Underground Railroad.

Five hiking trails welcome folks of various fitness levels, including a child-friendly TRACK trail to a strenuous hike along the ridgeline of Mt. Jefferson. Those who wish to hike to the summit may enjoy learning about the NC Climate Office data collection tower located there. Visitors of Mt. Jefferson may also wish to view the frescoes of West Jefferson nearby.

Have you ever visited Mt. Jefferson State Park? If so, what were your favorite activities?

If you are interested in joining or learning more about our challenge, click here.

Let the rivers clap their hands,
    let the mountains sing together for joy;

Psalm 98:8

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