Friday, April 28, 2017

Climb Every Mountain Fitness Challenge Week 7 Results

Week 7 Climb Every Mountain Fitness Challenge Results
Week 7 results for the Climb Every Fitness Challenge through the Woodleaf UMC health ministry program. Twenty-three participants submitted totals for this week - woo hoo! Altogether, participants were active over 107 hours last week. Whew!

Although the weather has been warming, the clouds have opened, making it more difficult to exercise outside. The most effective fitness plans have a back-up plan. If you usually exercise outside, is there an indoor activity that you can substitute if the weather is uncooperative? If you can anticipate a particularly busy upcoming schedule, could you break workouts into smaller time segments or wake earlier to fit in some physical activity? If you are going on vacation, can you add physical activities as part of the vacation plan? If you have an injury or surgery, can you modify workouts so that you are still allowing time to heal but still getting in some safe exercise to maintain fitness levels achieved?

It's great to see more folks coming into the fitness challenge and I look forward to seeing next week's totals!

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