Friday, April 14, 2017

Climb Every Mountain Fitness Challenge Week 5 Results

Week 5 Climb Every Mountain Fitness Challenge Results
Here are Week 5 results of our Climb Every Mountain Fitness Challenge. A total of 20 participants sent in numbers for this week, with a grant total for week 5 of 262 points, equaling over 87 hours of physical activity. We are nearing the halfway point of the challenge!

In additional to caring for one's physical needs, many participants are reaping mental, emotional, and spiritual rewards as we exercise. Walking outside and enjoying the beauty of nature has been shown to increase one's immune system and feelings of well-being. Some folks in the challenge are taking the time to pray while exercising as well.

Feel free to join us for a group walk tomorrow, April 15 Woodleaf United Methodist Church, where we'll meet and then drive to Catawba College to enjoy walking in the ecological preserve. You might want to bring a camera!

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