Saturday, August 18, 2018

Fall 2018 Fitness Challenge: Gone to the Dogs!

As we begin to wind down summer activities, this is a great time to begin or renew a regular fitness routine. Our Fall 2018 fitness challenge will begin on Sunday, August 26 and continue for eleven weeks, ending on Saturday, November 10 with a party scheduled for Sunday, November 11.

Katrena has interviewed several people about their pet dogs, so each week you'll have the opportunity to learn a little about these furry friends. A Bible verse will also be highlighted each week for those who wish to reflect on the spiritual aspect of holistic health.

This fitness challenge is free and open to anyone who wishes to participate. This opportunity is provided by the Woodleaf United Methodist Church health ministry. Children should get parent/guardian permission. Check with your healthcare provider first before beginning or changing a fitness routine.

The suggested goal for the challenge is to be physically active an average of at least 20 minutes/day; however, participants may make their own individual goals if they wish. Physical activities may vary; some examples include exercise classes, walking, swimming, doing yard work, cleaning house, hiking, etc.

Participants should send total time exercising each week of the challenge. Results will be posted on this blog each week. Please send the exercise times by Tuesday at noon of the following week via one of the following:
  • Email Katrena at
  • Call Woodleaf United Methodist Church (UMC) @ 704-278-1888 and leave a detailed message including your name and exercise time for the week if you get the answering machine
  • Drop off your name/exercise time on paper at Woodleaf UMC
If you would like a form to help keep track of your exercise times, feel free to pick up one at Woodleaf UMC or print one using the attachment below.

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