Friday, August 31, 2018

Gone to the Dogs Week 2: Carrie

Gone to the Dogs Week 2: Carrie


Bonnie’s dog, Carrie, has an important mission in life: to protect the helpless. Several years ago, Carrie discovered a litter of "orphaned" kittens in the barn. Carrie apparently believed their mother was negligent. So, one by one she carried them to the house. Although the people of the home took the kittens back, Carrie ended up adopting the tiny gray tabby kitten. She raised it, and nursed it.....even producing milk! (The family had to supplement). That kitten grew up thinking it was a dog. And Carrie and Whiskers became inseparable. Bonnie finally had to separate them to "wean" Whiskers when he was 6 months old. Bonnie says it was ridiculous!

Then, a few years later, Bonnie's family got a hamster.....and here we go again! (No milk this time as Carrie was spayed.) Hammie, however, wasn’t as crazy about Carrie as Carrie was about him. A little mothering by a dog can go a long way when you're a hamster!

Anyways, if dogs have a heaven, Bonnie says “Carrie will surely have a wonderful home!” Carrie is now 13.5 years old and still a very loved member of the family.

For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you received a spirit of adoption. When we cry "Abba, Father". Romans 8:15 NRSV

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