Friday, November 2, 2018

Gone to the Dogs Week 9 Totals

Gone to the Dogs Week 9 Totals
Week 9 of the Woodleaf United Methodist “Gone to the Dogs” fall 2018 fitness challenge ran from October 21 through October 27, 2018. Forty-four participants turned in totals for week 9, reporting a grand total of 10,935 minutes of exercise.

We have an extra hour approaching this weekend. For those of us with busy schedules who say we would exercise more if we just had more time, this is our weekend! Everyone is invited to our healthy holiday cooking seminar at Woodleaf United Methodist Church (9000 Church Street in Woodleaf right by the elementary school) on Sunday, November 4 at 5:30 p.m. We will serve a light supper and our speaker, Toi Degree from the Extension Service, will give us tips on how we might tweak our favorite recipes to make them healthier.

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