Saturday, November 12, 2016

Week 3 Results - Walk to Bethlehem PA Points

Week 3 Results Walk to Bethlehem PA Points
Twenty-one participants turned in totals for week 3 of the Woodleaf UMC 2016 Walk to Bethlehem, PA fitness challenge. This fitness challenge encourages participants to exercise an average of 20 minutes per day. Participants earn 1 point for each 20 minutes of exercise with a goal of 7 points/week.

Altogether, participants earned a total of  284 points for week 3 with a grand total from the start of 885 points. It's been another great week for exercising. Lots of folks are going outside to rake leaves or take a walk and enjoy the motley mix of colors on the trees.

There is still time to join the fitness challenge! Turn in Week 4 (11/6 through 11/12) totals to me via email at or at Woodleaf United Methodist Church. Click here to see details regarding the fitness challenge.

Walk to Bethlehem Week 3 Weekly Totals

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