Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Week 12 Results and Grand Finale for the Walk to Bethlehem PA Fitness Challenge

Week 12 Results for 2016 Walk to Bethlehem, PA Fitness Challenge
Twenty participants turned in totals for week 12 of the Woodleaf UMC 2016 Walk to Bethlehem, PA fitness challenge. This fitness challenge encouraged participants to exercise an average of 20 minutes per day. Participants earned 1 point for each 20 minutes of exercise with a goal of 7 points/week.

Altogether, participants earned a total of 195 points for week 12 with a grand total from the start of 2710 points. This is the final week of the challenge, and altogether participants exercised over 903 hours in twelve weeks. Wow!

Our party to celebrate the end of the challenge is this Saturday, January 14 at 2:00 p.m. at Woodleaf United Methodist Church. All are welcome to come, enjoy some snacks, and sing the twelve Christmas carols featured in the challenge. Challenge participants will receive certificates and goody bags at the party as well.
Week 12 Totals for 2016 Walk to Bethlehem PA Fitness Challenge

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