Tuesday, May 31, 2016

WTTB Week 15 Totals

This is it...we have finished our journey east! Seventeen participants submitted mileage for week 15, our final week of the Walk to the Beach Fitness Challenge. Altogether, participants logged a total of 282.31 miles this week. We had a total of 21 folks who participated in the fitness challenge with a grand total of 4300.7 miles from start to finish. Added together, we not only made it to Wilmington, but that mileage takes us to Key West and back twice!

Here are the weekly totals for Week 15:

Week 15 Walk to the Beach Weekly totals
Here are the grand totals for Week 15, the conclusion of our fitness challenge:

Week 15 Walk to the Beach Grand Totals

Many thanks to those who participated, helped with the challenge or beach blastoff party, prayed for us, read articles on the blog, encouraged one another to adopt a healthy lifestyle, helped to get the word out about the challenge, and more. Although this challenge is over, I hope it has given you a few tools to move forward through the summer months with a resolve to consistently care for the spirit, mind, and body. May the branches always stay up on your palm tree...until next time...keep exercising!

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