Sunday, May 8, 2016

Week 13: Lifted Up - Walk to the Beach Fitness Challenge

Week 13 Walk to the Beach Fitness Challenge: Lifted Up
Healthy Spirit: Lifted Up

For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow... Ecclesiastes 4:10

We have all fallen physically and emotionally at times. I remember making a medication error as a new nurse, and I quickly reported it and never made that same mistake again. I felt terrible that day, yet my co-workers did not condemn me. They each began to tell me of an error she/he had made and encouraged me when I most needed a kind word. If we fall, to whom can we reach to pull us back up? Is someone who needs a pick-me-up reaching for us? I know many mothers who are often called upon to help someone after a fall. Thanks to all of you and Happy Mother's Day!

Healthy Mind: Whiteville & Lake Waccamaw

Whiteville, a city of a little over 5,000 people, is the county seat of Columbus County. The Whiteville post office has been operating since 1821, and the courthouse is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. A satellite of the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences is located in the city, and the Waccamaw Siouan tribe's annual powwow is held in Whiteville each October.

A few people of renown who have ties to Whiteville include: A.R. Ammons, poet; Ida Stephens Owens, first African American woman to earn a Ph.D. in Psychology from Duke University; and several sports figures, including Tommy Greene, Chester McGlockton, Chris Wilcox, and Maggie Will.

Nearby Lake Waccamaw includes a town and a 9,000-acre freshwater lake. An annual Take the Lake free fitness event was started after Columbus County was named the least healthy of North Carolina's 100 counties. The event encourages participants to walk or bike the 15 miles around, paddle 14 miles around, or swim 4 miles across the lake. Several species of fish, mussels, clams, and snails at Lake Waccamaw are not found anywhere else on Earth.

Healthy Body: Balance & Fall Prevention

About 1/3 of people over age 65 report that they have fallen in the last year. Those who fall may experience a serious injury that could carry serious and long-term effects.

Here are a few quick tips to help prevent falls:
  • Exercise regularly - our exercise classes at Woodleaf UMC are free!
  • Review medications with one's healthcare provider
  • Have an annual eye exam or per a schedule recommended for you
  • Reduce tripping hazards in the home - the bathroom in particular is a common place for falls
For more information, read my article Fall Prevention and Exercise.

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