Saturday, January 20, 2018

Smell the Flowers Week 3: Rose

Sabatia angularis f. albiflora by Mason Brock at
Week 3, including the week of 1/21 through 1/27 of the Spring 2018 Smell the Flowers fitness challenge at Woodleaf United Methodist Church highlights rose or bitterbloom. This rose tends to be pink but also has a white variety as shown in the picture above. Pink rose, also known as Sabata angularis, is of the Gentianaceae family. This perennial plant grows well in sunny areas to a height of about 2.5 feet, and typically blooms July through October. It can be found in the mountains, Piedmont, and coast of North Carolina.

For more information about bitterbloom, click here. Have you ever seen a bitterbloom or rose?

"I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys." Song of Solomon 2:1

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