Thursday, January 25, 2018

Smell the Flowers Week 2 Totals

Week 2 of the Woodleaf United Methodist Church Smell the Flowers spring fitness challenge ran from January 14 through January 20, 2018. Thirty-three participants turned in totals for week 1, reporting a grand total of 6057 minutes of exercise.

Week 2 had the added challenge of about 6 inches of snow. I know of several people who got their exercise by doing a bit of shoveling. Thankfully, we had a dry snow that shoveled easily. Week 3 has had some temps in the 60s and 70s, so I’m guessing that more folks may be doing some outdoor activities – it’s great to mix it up and get exercise in a variety of ways.

Here are Week 2 totals:
Smell the Flowers Week 2 Totals

To learn more about this or other fitness challenges offered through our health ministry program, click on the site map for links to all articles on our Healthy Woodleaf blog.

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