Friday, September 15, 2017

Lights of the World Week 4: Kawah Ijen Volcano in Indonesia

Photo by Daniel Julie at

The Fall 2017 Lights of the World Fitness Challenge encourages participants to be physically active an average of at least 20 minutes/day.

Week 4, starting September 17 and ending September 23, features the stunning blue glow of the Kawah Ijen Volcano on the island of Java in Indonesia. Atop the volcano lies Kawah Ijen Crater Lake, a large body of water filled with hydrochloric acid. This acid makes the lake appear green.

Those visiting the area may see a spectacular glowing blue show resulting from the combustion of sulfuric acids. The acids ignite as they come in contact with oxygen in the air, sometimes sending glowing blue flames into the air up to 16 feet. Some of these gases condense into liquid sulfur that flows down the sides of the volcano, giving the appearance of bright blue lava.

If you want to see this light show up close, don't forget your gas mask to protect against toxic gases released from these chemical explosions. You'll also want to stay after dark because the bright blue colored phenomenon can only be seen at night. Click here to see the glowing blue nighttime photos.

Then I saw that wisdom excelleth folly, as far as light excelleth darkness. Ecclesiastes 2:13

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