Friday, September 1, 2017

Lights of the World Week 2: Blue Grotto

Photo by Glen Scarborough at,_Capri,_IT.jpg

The Fall 2017 Lights of the World Fitness Challenge encourages participants to be physically active an average of at least 20 minutes/day for eleven weeks.

Week 2, starting September 3 and ending September 9, features Blue Grotto in Capri, Italy. Known by locals as Gradola, Blue Grotto is a sea cave illuminated with a dazzling blue reflection as sunlight sparkles through the seawater. Items placed underwater appear silver due to air bubbles that surround the object.

The mouth of the cave is about two meters wide and one meter high; those wishing to enter the cave must time the trip during low tide when the sea is calm. The cave is accessible via rowboat; visitors enter the cave by lying flat on the bottom of the boat that is then pulled in by chains.

During Roman times, this grotto was a marine temple and the personal swimming area for Emperor Tiberius. This sea cave has inspired several writers, including Mark Twain, August Kopisch, Alberto Moravia, and Ann Weil.

Have you ever traveled to a sea cave? If so, what was the most memorable part of that experience for you?

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1

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