Friday, November 18, 2016

Week 4 Results - Walk to Bethlehem PA Points

Week 4 Results for 2016 Walk to Bethlehem, PA Fitness Challenge
Twenty-one participants turned in totals for week 4 of the Woodleaf UMC 2016 Walk to Bethlehem, PA fitness challenge. This fitness challenge encourages participants to exercise an average of 20 minutes per day. Participants earn 1 point for each 20 minutes of exercise with a goal of 7 points/week.

Altogether, participants earned a total of 268 points for week 4 with a grand total from the start of 1153 points. Whew...that's a lot of physical activity! These next few weeks will be challenging. Many people's schedules will begin to overflow with holiday preparations. We can all sneak some physical activity on the calendar by parking farther away, arriving a early, and taking a brisk walk before an event. Walking at the mall is another way to rev up the steps without a lot of added effort. Upcoming meals may be a bit less than healthy, but we might consider adding one healthier dish to the choices and perhaps a group walk after clean-up.

There is still time to join the fitness challenge! Turn in Week 5 (11/13 through 11/19) totals to me via email at or at Woodleaf United Methodist Church. Click here to see details regarding the fitness challenge.

Walk to Bethlehem PA Fitness Challenge Week 4 Totals

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