Friday, November 4, 2016

Week 2 Results – Walk to Bethlehem PA Points

Week 2 Results for Walk to Bethlehem PA Fitness Challenge
Twenty-two participants turned in totals for week 2 of the Woodleaf UMC 2016 Walk to Bethlehem, PA fitness challenge. This fitness challenge encourages participants to exercise an average of 20 minutes per day. Participants earn 1 point for each 20 minutes of exercise with a goal of 7 points/week. Altogether, participants earned a total of 316 points for week 2, a big increase! Added to the total points from week one, the challenge participants have earned a grand total of 609 points.

I'm impressed! Some participants doubled their points, and one participant earned 48 points in Week 2. Let's see if we can continue the trend for Week 3. Many of us are taking on the fitness challenge with family members and/or friends. That's a great way to stay motivated and keep one another accountable.

There is still time to join the fitness challenge! Turn in Week 3 (10/30 through 11/5) totals to me via email at or at Woodleaf United Methodist Church. Click here to see details regarding the fitness challenge.

Walk to Bethlehem Week 2 Totals

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