Thursday, May 26, 2016

WTTB Week 14 Totals

As we wrap up the final week of the Walk to the Beach Fitness challenge, feel free to take a look at the totals for Week 14. Thirteen participants turned in mileage for Week 14, sending in a total of 218 miles. So far all participants for the challenge have logged a total of 3,915 miles with almost half making it to Wilmington. To give some perspective on what all 21 participants have accomplished together, we've made it to San Francisco and about halfway back to Woodleaf.

Here are Week 14 totals:

Week 14 Walk to the Beach Weekly Totals

Here are grand totals for week 14:

Week 14 Walk to the Beach Grand Totals
One week to go and almost ready for a Beach Blastoff into summer!

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