Sunday, May 22, 2016

Week 15: Well Done! Walk to the Beach Fitness Challenge

Week 15: Well Done! Walk to the Beach Fitness Challenge
Healthy Spirit: Well Done

"His master replied, 'Well done! You are a good and faithful servant. You've been faithful over a little. I'll put you in charge of much. Come, celebrate with me.' Matthew 25:23

When I get to the end of my earthly road, I hope the Master will look at me and say "Well done!" I know I've had many times in my life where I would classify myself as medium-rare at best, but God's assessment of us is wrapped in the loving arms of Jesus. Let us not be afraid to live up to His expectations of us, even if it means taking risks. Let us be willing to celebrate with one another as we overcome challenges and continue to move forward, even if we end up falling flat on our face in order to move in that direction. May we ever be mindful to be faithful in the little things because in doing so, we prove ourselves trustworthy and can prepare ourselves for additional responsibility.

Healthy Mind: Wilmington

Wilmington...we've arrived! Wilmington is the county seat of New Hanover County and hosts a one-mile-long Riverwalk with nearby access to four beach communities. The city has changed names numerous times over the years, formerly called New Carthage, New Liverpool, New Town, and Newton. In later years, the city has also been dubbed "Hollywood East." The historic district of the area includes 300 blocks, with numerous buildings listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

In addition to the natural habitat, Wilmington is home to the USCGC Diligence, USS North Carolina, Cape Fear Museum, EUE Screen Gems Studios, and the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. Notable people with ties to Wilmington include David Brinkley, newscaster; Charlie Daniels, musician; Andy Griffith, actor; Michael Jordan, basketball player; Catarina Jarboro, opera singer; Charles Kuralt, journalist; Woodrow Wilson, former U.S. President; and multiple other folks.

Healthy Body: Come and Celebrate!

As we finish the last week of this challenge, I commend all of you who have participated with a rousing "Well Done!" We are each in charge of our own health, and I hope these 15 weeks have been an encouragement in moving toward individual fitness goals. It's not about a's about a lifestyle. Now is a great time to celebrate and look for new opportunities to learn and grow, inspire others and ourselves, and realize that together we can achieve great things!

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