Sunday, March 6, 2016

Week 4: Altruism - Walk to the Beach Fitness Challenge

Week 4 Altruism - Walk to the Beach Fitness Challenge
Walk to the Beach Week 4

If you are participating in the fitness challenge, this is a friendly reminder to submit:
  • Your name
  • Week 3 Mileage
  • Total Mileage (it's okay if you don't know this - I can add the totals) 

Healthy Spirit: Altruism

But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him, and went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. Luke 10:33-34

Throughout the day, we are often offered opportunities to help other people through a kind word, gesture, or deed. It is tempting to become indifferent, callous, or ignorant of the plight of those in our midst who suffer and need help, yet Jesus encourages His followers to demonstrate compassion. In addition to helping the one in need, being altruistic may help us to focus on those around us rather than ourselves, which may improve mental health.

Healthy Mind: Rockwell

Rockwell, North Carolina is a town of a little over 2,000 residents. Encompassing a little less than 2 miles, I found it interesting that Rockwell is home to at least 19 churches. Several sites in Rockwell are on the National Register of Historic Places, including George Matthias Bernhardt House, Grace Evangelical and Reformed Church, and Zion Lutheran Church. The east branch of the Rowan Public Library is also located in Rockwell.

Healthy Body: Sugar and Carbohydrates

A growing number of people have or are at risk for developing diabetes and must watch intake of carbohydrates. When looking at food labels, it is helpful to understand that total carbohydrates include starch, fiber, sugar, and sugar alcohols. 

  • Starches include foods such as rice, wheat, corn, potatoes, barley, oats, yams, lentils, and kudzu (yep - I actually know a few folks who have eaten kudzu!). 
  • Dark green vegetables and legumes are particularly high in dietary fiber. 
  • Sugar may be found under several different names such as fructose, agave nectar, turbinado, high fructose corn syrup, or honey. 
  • Sugar alcohols typically end in -ol, such as sorbitol or maltitol. 

Some of the best ways to cut dietary calories include limiting or eliminating sugary drinks and ensuring portion sizes are appropriate for one's nutritional needs. The American Diabetes Association web site is packed with information regarding diabetes if you are interested in learning more.

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