Sunday, February 14, 2016

Week 1: Start with Thanks - 2016 WTTB Fitness Challenge

Week 1: Start with Thanks

Healthy Spirit: Start with Thanks

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him and bless his name. Psalm 100:4

Welcome to Week 1 of our Walk to the Beach Fitness Challenge! Let's begin with humble hearts filled with gratitude. Studies have shown that when we purposefully become thankful and keep a journal mentioning our personal blessings that we may enjoy better physical, emotional, and spiritual health. As we start exercising or renew our resolve to exercise regularly during this challenge, I encourage us to reflect on and record personal blessings. When times get hard, we can review those blessings to encourage us, inspire us, and remind us of the positive things we often take for granted.

I want to thank Woodleaf United Methodist Church for its commitment to health within and around the neighborhood. Thanks also to all of you who are participating in this fitness challenge with me!

Healthy Mind: Woodleaf

Woodleaf, North Carolina is located between Salisbury and Cleveland. Folks traveling along Highway 801 in Woodleaf will see gently rolling hills with expanses of farmland. It is a small unincorporated town, so if you blink, you just might have to make a U-turn and go back because you missed it. People who call this small town in Rowan County home find that Woodleaf is a close-knit, caring community and a nice place to live.

Several farmers in the area sell their produce in warmer months. Some folks in the area claim they have the best tomatoes in the world. You might want to taste test some local tomatoes at the annual Tomato Festival held in October where people gather and enjoy a variety of booths, entertainment, and a parade. On New Year's Eve, folks in and around Woodleaf watch the annual Tomato Drop.

The Woodleaf Speedway sees fast action in warmer months. The town has two locations registered on the National Register of Historic Places: Mount Vernon and St. Andrew's Episcopal Church and Cemetery. If you do not have a home church or are visiting the area, you might wish to consider worshiping at Woodleaf United Methodist Church, located at 9000 Church Street.

Healthy Body: Making a Plan

This fitness challenge may help us to move toward or maintain a healthy lifestyle that we can enjoy every day. Schedule time for exercise just as we would make an appointment to see a doctor or get a haircut. If the primary exercise plan includes exercises outside of the home, develop a backup plan for days when we might be snowed in or unable to get out.

Visit How to Make a Healthy Lifestyle Plan - Tips forSuccess to find specific tips for making a plan that will be meaningful and attainable.

In addition to exercise, consider adopting a healthy eating plan as well. Visit Choose My Plate to get helpful tips for incorporating healthy eating into one's everyday life. That site also offers tips for eating healthy meals on a budget, educational games, and a tracker for creating a personalized food plan.

Set aside a few minutes each week to record and submit weekly totals and grand total in order to be part of the results shown for the Walk to the Beach 2016 fitness challenge. Check with your healthcare provider to determine which exercises and foods are appropriate for your individual needs.

Feel free to post comments, favorite types of exercise, things for which you are thankful, etc. in the comment section below.

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