Friday, September 21, 2018

Gone to the Dogs Week 5: Chica

Gone to the Dogs Week 5: Chica
Arthur Holding Chica
You know a dog is special if her picture will be on a tombstone of the lady who loved the little chihuahua. Arthur remembers seeing the little six-week old puppy along with two other puppies in South Carolina when he was getting a truckload of watermelons. He asked about the little brown female and when he returned to South Carolina for another watermelon run, the puppy was all ready for the ride to North Carolina in a peach crate lined with a quilt. They considered the name Peaches, but Arthur wanted to name her Chico. After discovering that Chico was a boy name, Chica finally had her identity and new home!

Santa and Chica Wishing Everyone a Merry Christmas
Chica has won the friendship of many a person, small birds, animals, and even a kitten or two. She’s gentle and loves children and adults, which is sometimes unusual for a chihuahua. Chica’s job is to keep the cats behind the house and away from the road, and she does her job well. John says they watch the little dog carefully while outside because more than one hawk has had its eye on the small dog.

Merry Christmas from Chica!
Chica has also wished folks happy holidays. For several years, the family featured Chica on their Christmas cards! She even dressed up for the occasion at times.

Nobody had a loving eye on Chica more than Margaret, however. Her family agreed that perhaps Margaret loved the little dog more than she loved anyone else, and they made sure to take Chica for a ride to Spencer to visit with Margaret on Sundays after she moved to a care facility. Chica would excitedly visit with Margaret and bring a smile to her face any time she visited. Margaret’s death left a void not only in the human world but also for the dog; John said he saw tears rolling down Chica’s face after she was gone. When they visit the cemetery each Sunday, Chica immediately heads to Margaret's grave - she knows where her loving buddy rests and will always love her human mama.

Chica All Dressed Up for Christmas

If I were a betting person, I would say that Margaret is smiling right now to know that Chica’s picture will be on her tombstone, a lasting memorial to a most special friendship.

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Hebrews 10:24 NIV

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