Friday, August 24, 2018

Gone to the Dogs Week 1: Daisy

Gone to the Dogs Week 1: Daisy

Reverend Floyd Wood and Daisy

Reverend Floyd Wood readily admits that his “girl” was not the prettiest one of about six dogs shown to him at the animal shelter the day he visited years ago. According to the retired minister, you could see the little dog’s ribs and she looked scared to death. The little terrier mix had been dropped off on the side of the road, thrown away like an unwanted piece of garbage. “I don’t know what her previous owners were looking for because she is just as perfect a dog as you can get,” asserts Reverend Wood as Daisy May, or simply Daisy, wags her tail.

After a previous beloved pet died, Reverend Wood and his wife decided they would find another dog. That day, a perfect match was made! Daisy seems quite content beside her beloved “dad.” She will jump up on the couch and is even invited onto the king-sized bed for sleeping.

Daisy does a happy dance any time Floyd is out and returns home. As Floyd puts it, “She always makes me feel welcome and happy to be back home!” Anyone visiting can see that the feeling is mutual. The little dog’s ribs no longer show, and Daisy is healthy and happy. “I think she saved my life just as much as I saved hers – she’s my perfect little girl.”

And he touched her hand, and the fever left her: and she arose and ministered unto them. Matthew 8:15 KJV

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