Friday, November 10, 2017

Lights of the World Week 11 Totals

Week 11 of the Woodleaf United Methodist Church Lights of the World fitness challenge ran from November 5 through November 11, 2017. Seventeen participants turned in totals early for week 11, our final week of the challenge. Great job to everyone!

Some weeks may be better than others, but it's better to look at exercise over time, identify trends, and develop a plan that works well for you. What works may change with the seasons or with life changes, so it is helpful to evaluate new needs as they appear.

May each of you find a healthy lifestyle that you can continue for years to come!

Here are Week 11 totals:
Lights of the World Week 11 Totals
To learn more about this or other fitness challenges offered through our health ministry program, click on the site map for links to all articles on our Healthy Woodleaf blog.

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