Friday, March 24, 2017

Climb Every Mountain Fitness Challenge Week 2 Results

Week 2 Climb Every Mountain Fitness Challenge Results
Here are week 2 results of our Climb Every Mountain Fitness Challenge. Twenty-two participants submitted points for week two with a grand total of 329 points, equaling over 109 hours of exercise!

Although I don't require participants to tell me what sorts of exercise they are doing, many people mention some of their activities, and I've been impressed with the wide variety of exercises. One participant likes to wake around dawn and walk outside in the driveway, and another person did a lot of lifting walking when helping to move a relative to a new home. Several people joined me for group walks at nearby parks where we watched wildlife while we hiked. The gym and exercise classes are also popular types of exercise.

In my opinion, the best types of exercise are those that folks will do and hopefully enjoy. It also helps if the exercise location is convenient. If you are interested in joining the challenge, click here for more information and I hope to hear from you soon!

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