Friday, October 28, 2016

Week 1 Results - 2016 Walk to Bethlehem PA Points

Week 1 Results for 2016 Walk to Bethlehem, PA Fitness Challenge
Twenty-two participants turned in totals for week 1. The 2016 Walk to Bethlehem, PA challenge encourages folks to exercise an average of 20 minutes/day. Each 20 minutes of exercise earns participants 1 point with a weekly goal of 7 points. Altogether, participants earned a total of 293 points during week 1. I've graphed the results below.

This has been a great start to the challenge! As you can see, many folks not only met the 7 point goal but exceeded it. I look forward to seeing Week 2 totals. Several people mentioned what types of exercise they are doing, including walking, working out in the gym, playing pickleball, participating in aerobics classes, and even mowing the yard with a manual push lawn mower. Way to go for the first week!

If you are interested, it's not too late to join the fitness challenge! Feel free to turn in Week 2 totals to me via email at or at Woodleaf United Methodist Church. Click here to see details regarding the fitness challenge.

2016 Walk to Bethlehem Week 1 Totals

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