Friday, April 22, 2016

WTTB Week 9 Totals

Week 9 totals are in. As we continue through these weeks, many participants have noticed that some weeks involve more exercise than others. Vacations, weather, allergies, illness, and many other factors can put a dent in an exercise routine. Some weeks will simply be better than others; however, I'm impressed with how folks are able to come back after one of those low weeks and keep on keeping on. It can be a temptation to simply stop if the numbers aren't where we had planned, but fitness is something to continue to focus on one day at a time.

Seventeen participants sent in totals for Week 9. Altogether, we logged 241 miles during the week with an overall grand total mileage of a little over 2453 miles. Here are how the totals map out for Week 9:

Here are weekly totals:

Here are grand totals:
Thanks for continuing to exercise weekly; we are well past the halfway mark! If any of you are interested in joining the challenge, you are more than welcome to do so. Click here for information about the 2016 Walk to the Beach Fitness Challenge.

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