Friday, February 23, 2018

Smell the Flowers Week 8: Wild Columbine

Wild columbine (Aquilegia canadensis) in Talcott Mountain State Park  by Ragesoss at
Week 8, including the week of 2/25 through 3/3 of the Spring 2018 Smell the Flowers fitness challenge at Woodleaf United Methodist Church highlights wild columbine. This flower, also known as Aquilegia canadensis, is of the Ranunculaceae or Buttercup family. This red perennial plant loves full sun or part sun, grows to a height of about 2 feet, and typically blooms March-April-May-June. It can be found in the mountains, Piedmont, and coast of North Carolina.

For more information about the wild columbine, click here. Have you ever seen a columbine?

"And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not." Isaiah 58:11

Smell the Flowers Week 6 Totals

Week 6 of the Woodleaf United Methodist Church Smell the Flowers spring fitness challenge ran from February 11 through February 17, 2018. Thirty-four participants turned in totals for week 6, reporting a grand total of 7794 minutes of exercise!

It takes several weeks to develop new, healthy habits. I applaud all of you for sticking with the fitness challenge. Some weeks are better than others, but sticking with an exercise program over the long haul will serve all of us well.

Here are Week 6 totals:
Smell the Flowers Week 6 Totals

To learn more about this or other fitness challenges offered through our health ministry program, click on the site map for links to all articles on our Healthy Woodleaf blog.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Smell the Flowers Week 7: Schweinitz's Sunflower

Helianthus schweinitzii, Richmond, North Carolina, USA by John Flannery at
Week 7, including the week of 2/18 through 2/24 of the Spring 2018 Smell the Flowers fitness challenge at Woodleaf United Methodist Church highlights the Schweinitz's sunflower. This endangered flower, also known as Helianthus schweinitzii, is of the Asteraceae or Aster family. As indicated by its name, this perennial plant loves the sun, grows to a height of five feet, and typically blooms September through October. This rare flower grows in the Piedmont of North Carolina.

For more information about Schweinitz's sunflower, click here. Have you ever seen a Schweinitz's sunflower?

"From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same the Lord's name is to be praised." Psalm 113:3

Smell the Flowers Week 5 Totals

Week 5 of the Woodleaf United Methodist Church Smell the Flowers spring fitness challenge ran from February 4 through February 10, 2018. Forty-two participants turned in totals for week 4, reporting a grand total of 9335 minutes of exercise!

That’s amazing – great numbers for many of the participants this week! This marks the halfway point, so stay strong.

Here are Week 5 totals:
Smell the Flowers Week 5 Totals

To learn more about this or other fitness challenges offered through our health ministry program, click on the site map for links to all articles on our Healthy Woodleaf blog.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Smell the Flowers Week 6: Bleeding Heart

Bleeding Heart Flower Photo by victorgrigas at
Week 6, including the week of 2/11 through 2/17 of the Spring 2018 Smell the Flowers fitness challenge at Woodleaf United Methodist Church highlights bleeding heart. This flower, also known as Lamprocampnos spectabilis, is of the Papaveraceae or poppy family. All parts of this plant are poisonous if ingested. This perennial plant likes light to moderate shade with stems that may reach 2 feet, and typically blooms April to September in the Alleghany mountain region of North America.

Happy Valentine's Week to all of you!

For more information about bleeding heart flowers, click here. Have you ever seen a bleeding heart?

"Now in the place where he was crucified there was a garden; and in the garden a new sepulchre, wherein there was never man yet laid." John 19:41

Smell the Flowers Week 4 Totals

Week 4 of the Woodleaf United Methodist Church Smell the Flowers spring fitness challenge ran from January 28 through February3, 2018. Thirty participants turned in totals for week 4, reporting a grand total of 7,030 minutes of exercise.

Keep up the great work!

Here are Week 4 totals:
Week 4 Totals for Smell the Flowers Fitness Challenge

 To learn more about this or other fitness challenges offered through our health ministry program, click on the site map for links to all articles on our Healthy Woodleaf blog.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Smell the Flowers Week 5: Doll's Eyes

Actaea pachypoda 2005, sep 4 by pethan Botanical Gardens Utrecht University at
Week 5, including the week of 2/4 through 2/10 of the Spring 2018 Smell the Flowers fitness challenge at Woodleaf United Methodist Church highlights doll's eyes or white baneberry. This flower, also known as Acteae pachypoda, is of the Ranunculaceae or buttercup family. The doll's eye appearance only occurs when the flower is in the young seed pod stage. This perennial plant likes the shade, grows to a height of about 2 feet, and typically blooms April and May. It can be found in the mountains and rarely in the Piedmont of North Carolina.

For more information about doll's eyes, click here. Have you ever seen doll's eyes?

"The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever." Isaiah 40:8

Smell the Flowers Week 3 Totals

Week 3 of the Woodleaf United Methodist Church Smell the Flowers spring fitness challenge ran from January 21 through January 27, 2018. Thirty-three participants turned in totals for week 3, reporting a grand total of 6732 minutes of exercise.

Looking good everyone!

Here are Week 3 totals:
Week 3 Totals for Smell the Flowers Spring 2018 Fitness Challenge
To learn more about this or other fitness challenges offered through our health ministry program, click on the site map for links to all articles on our Healthy Woodleaf blog.